SRR1772449 Sample ID 1013

Data sources
Paper identifier Illingworth2016polycomb
SRP accession SRP052827
GEO accession GSE65288
Samples SRR1772449
Technical details
QC score 3
Replicate 1
Protocol GRO-seq
Library prep ligation
Spike-in None
Single/Paired end single
Raw strandedness reverse
Reverse complemented? True
Mapped strandedness forward
Timecourse False
Control/Experimental control
Wildtype & Untreated? False
Outlier No
Unusable No
TDF visualization file TDF file 74 Mb
Stranded gene read counts TXT file 913 Kb
Unstranded bidirectional read counts TXT file 17 Mb
Tfit bidirectional regions BED file 8 Mb
dREG bidirectional regions BED file 699 Kb
All data files ZIP archive
Cellular details
Organism M. musculus
Sample type cell line
Cell type ESC
Clone/Individual HV1.5
Construct Hhex-Venus reporter
Conditions and treatments
Condition type Treatment Start time End time Duration
treatment cell sorting HV- None None None
Extended notes
Pipeline info and software versions
Sample notes HV- epiblast-primed cells (Epi-primed); Cells were stained with anti-SSEA1 antibodies and sorted for Venus fluorescence prior to RNA extraction
Analysis notes Unstranded, a little strange-looking
Sample metrics
Sample QC score 3
Sample NRO score 3
Raw read length 42
Read depth after trimming 39,093,004
Duplication proportion 0.6823
Proportion reads mapped 0.7978
Exon/intron ratio 6.01124
Unique read proportion 0.36484
Total # Tfit bidirectionals 94267
# Promoter Tfit bidirectionals 2785
# Intronic Tfit bidirectionals 57375
# Intergenic Tfit bidirectionals 8153
Total # dREG bidirectionals 16166
# Promoter dREG bidirectionals 1167
# Intronic dREG bidirectionals 5862
# Intergenic dREG bidirectionals 3467
Part of Tfit master merge? True
Part of dREG master merge? True