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SRZ497904 Sample ID 921
Paper identifier | Hah2011rapid |
SRP accession | SRP013239 |
GEO accession | GSE27463 |
Samples | SRR497904 |
SRR497905 | |
SRR497906 |
QC score | 4 |
Replicate | 1 |
Protocol | GRO-seq |
Library prep | ligation |
Spike-in | None |
Single/Paired end | single |
Raw strandedness | forward |
Reverse complemented? | False |
Mapped strandedness | forward |
Timecourse | True |
Control/Experimental | control |
Wildtype & Untreated? | True |
Outlier | No |
Unusable | No |
TDF visualization file | TDF file | 33 Mb |
Stranded gene read counts | TXT file | 1 Mb |
Unstranded bidirectional read counts | TXT file | 21 Mb |
Tfit bidirectional regions | BED file | 1 Mb |
dREG bidirectional regions | BED file | 337 Kb |
All data files | ZIP archive |
Organism | H. sapiens |
Sample type | cell line |
Cell type | MCF7 |
Clone/Individual | |
Strain | |
Genotype | |
Construct |
Condition type | Treatment | Start time | End time | Duration |
vehicle | DMSO | None | None | None |
Pipeline info and software versions | |
Sample notes | Also in SRM497904 |
Analysis notes | Ran qc redo nextflow |
Sample QC score | 4 |
Sample NRO score | 2 |
Raw read length | 44 |
Read depth after trimming | 10,041,858 |
Duplication proportion | 0.44934 |
Proportion reads mapped | 0.569 |
Exon/intron ratio | 3.32287 |
Unique read proportion | 0.48176 |
Total # Tfit bidirectionals | 14934 |
# Promoter Tfit bidirectionals | 4359 |
# Intronic Tfit bidirectionals | 6971 |
# Intergenic Tfit bidirectionals | 2551 |
Total # dREG bidirectionals | 7858 |
# Promoter dREG bidirectionals | 4517 |
# Intronic dREG bidirectionals | 2435 |
# Intergenic dREG bidirectionals | 1063 |
Part of Tfit master merge? | True |
Part of dREG master merge? | True |