SRZ8795375 Sample ID 1266

Data sources
Paper identifier Kriaucionis2019unpublished
SRP accession SRP189657
GEO accession GSE128951
Samples SRR8795375
Technical details
QC score 4
Replicate 3
Protocol PRO-cap
Library prep ligation
Spike-in G. gallus
Single/Paired end single
Raw strandedness forward
Reverse complemented? False
Mapped strandedness forward
Timecourse False
Control/Experimental control
Wildtype & Untreated? False
Outlier No
Unusable No
TDF visualization file TDF file 44 Mb
Stranded gene read counts TXT file 1 Mb
Unstranded bidirectional read counts TXT file 21 Mb
Tfit bidirectional regions BED file 3 Mb
dREG bidirectional regions BED file 1 Mb
All data files ZIP archive
Cellular details
Organism H. sapiens
Sample type cell line
Cell type HEK293T Flp-In
Construct dox-inducible Tet-CD-GFP
Conditions and treatments
Condition type Treatment Start time End time Duration
no treatment None None None
Extended notes
Pipeline info and software versions
Sample notes Not clear what construct is or whether it's genomically integrated, but it may be the catalytic domain of Tet1 or another human Tet protein (not published or detailed in GEO)
Analysis notes Ran qc redo nextflow
Sample metrics
Sample QC score 4
Sample NRO score 5
Raw read length 35
Read depth after trimming 40,646,990
Duplication proportion 0.81551
Proportion reads mapped 0.5297
Exon/intron ratio 17.5261
Unique read proportion 0.31193
Total # Tfit bidirectionals 30270
# Promoter Tfit bidirectionals 13778
# Intronic Tfit bidirectionals 11562
# Intergenic Tfit bidirectionals 6093
Total # dREG bidirectionals 25328
# Promoter dREG bidirectionals 10814
# Intronic dREG bidirectionals 9854
# Intergenic dREG bidirectionals 4382
Part of Tfit master merge? False
Part of dREG master merge? False